Human evolution -- the spiritual evolutionary journey toward wholeness.
(too old to reply)
2011-06-12 11:37:24 UTC
We are mere fragments of what we will eventually, via the processes of
evolution become. It is everyone's destiny to eventually become God-
like, compared to primitive animal man. The space brothers who often
lower their vibrational rate enabling some people to see them or their
space craft are doing very important work behind the scenes for our
relatively primitive/childish civilization. In this world, there is
much more to the picture than meets the eyes. As they say, seek the
truth and it will gradually set you free from your ignorance,
illusions and limitations. If you can't see/admit that you are
ignorant and subject to illusions and limitations, then there's no
need to continue reading this.

There are reasons and there are rhymes. Some people are dreadfully
bored with such talk, while absolutely fascinated by organized sports
events and vise versa. Either way it's fine. Everyone goes at their
own speed, digesting what they can when they can. We are all members
of the human family. It does no good for people to insult one

Our planet can be likened to a large city with many neighborhoods and
corrupt leaders. Our solar system can be likened to state with a very
diverse collection of cities - some extremely advanced and some very
primitive. When you consider that we tolerate our insanely corrupt &
deceptive leaders - who help the super rich get richer, while pissing
on the poor, who have their soldiers kill the people and soldiers of
other leaders and ignore the fact that 30,000 people die each day of
hunger while tons of food lays rotting in warehouses - it becomes very
obvious that we are very immature, ie: not yet civilized.

Peace on Earth! Goodwill to All!
May all beings find happiness.

The process of evolution
A distcussion of the spiritual evolutionary journey toward wholeness.


The process of evolution takes place alike on individual, planetary
and on cosmic levels. As we progress in this, the human kingdom, we
shall recognize that it is a very important kingdom in the scheme of
this planet but is nevertheless a transitional phase between the
animal and the spiritual kingdoms, and that the evolutionary journey
which each of us is making takes place under laws which govern
throughout cosmos. There is nothing in the whole of cosmos which,
under the law of correspondences, is not proceeding under these same
laws of evolution.

The basic impulse behind all evolution is that activity of the soul in
incarnation which we call service. Service is nothing less than the
demonstration in relationship of the Law of Love. It is the Love of
God for Its creation which impels the Logos Itself to take incarnation
and to demonstrate Itself through Its Body, planet Earth, with all the
kingdoms, including ourselves.

We are, essentially, monads, sparks of God, demonstrating divinity at
our tiny individual level. We have within us the potentiality of all
divinity, and the process presented to us to demonstrate that divinity
is rebirth. Rebirth is a process which allows God, through an agent —
ourselves — to bring Itself down to Its polar opposite — matter — in
order to bring that matter back into Itself, totally imbued with Its
nature. It is an extraordinarily interesting and beautiful thing that
is taking place in creation. It is amazing in its beauty, its
intricacy, its logic, in the opportunity also for creative change,
because it is not a fixed mechanical thing but an extraordinarily
beautiful living process.

We are monads either of Will, of Love, or of Intelligence. The monads
reflect themselves as souls, differentiating themselves into seven
distinctive energies or ray types. The soul, the true Self, the inner
man, demonstrates itself again on the physical plane, taking a
personality of one or other of these energies, which may well change
from life to life; a mental body, an astral body and a physical body,
the rays of which may also change, running the gamut of these various
types until it has built into its vehicle all the qualities of all the
rays, synthesized in this solar system by the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom.
In this way, the soul can demonstrate itself as Love through its
succeeding personality expressions more and more — until it is doing
so totally.

The aim of the evolutionary journey (in the first place) is to bring
the vibrations of the physical, astral and mental vehicles into
frequencies so similar that the person is an integrated whole. There
has to be this synchronicity of vibration to make possible the great
crises of the evolutionary journey called initiation.

When the individual is ready for training for the last few laps of the
evolutionary marathon, the soul brings its vehicle, the man or woman,
into meditation of some kind. That very first time it might be a very
fleeting experience, but sooner or later meditation becomes an
important activity in the life.

The above is ~the first third of the article -- follow the link below
to see the whole article.


Collection of articles on the Ageless Wisdom teachings and
--Basic tenets


Collection of articles on the Ageless Wisdom teachings and


"Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. Our thoughts, our
words and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around
ourselves." Swami Vivekananda

"God generates beings, and sends them back over and over again, till
they return to Him." Koran

"I am certain that I have been here as I am now a thousand times
before, and I hope to return a thousand times...Man is a dialogue
between nature and God. On other planets this dialogue will doubtless
be of a higher and profounder character. What is lacking is Self-
Knowledge. After that the rest will follow." Goethe

"I do believe... that in the West the new interest in reincarnation
has centred almost exclusively in recall of past lives with the
harmful ensuing glamours which that has released. The important life
is the one in which we find ourselves now." Benjamin Creme

"...when I read Jesus’ startling statement in Matt. 5:48: "You,
therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect," I was
deeply troubled by what seemed to be an unreasonable demand; something
impossible of attainment. Now I realize that He was referring
indirectly to rebirth, so that we have whatever number of lives we
need to achieve that high standard of perfection." Howard Ray Carey

"Man is spiritual being -- a soul , in other words... this soul takes
on different bodies from life to life on earth to order at last to
arrive at such perfect knowledge, through repeated experience, as to
enable one to assume a body fit to be the dwelling-place of a Mahatma
or perfected soul. Then, they say, that particular soul becomes a
spiritual helper to mankind. " H.P. Blavatsky

"In its esoteric sense Jesus' remark to Nicodemus: Thou must be born
again, cannot be interpreted as referring to reincarnation, but to
that inner transformation of man, equivalent to a new birth. That
alone can transmute us into new beings capable of entering into that
spiritual state called the kingdom of heaven." Jeanine Miller
2011-06-12 17:16:14 UTC
Post by 2B-Clear
We are mere fragments of what we will eventually, via the processes of
evolution become.
People such as the poster have been doing their schtick for years and years and
have shown absolutely no evolution! Stay away from their nasty Maitreya cult.