Work with the Forces of Light
(too old to reply)
2011-05-29 03:57:38 UTC
By putting and energy into supporting the forces of light, we increase
the light streaming to Earth (our classroom). This has a positive
effect on the human family and all life. It also speeds the
evolutionary development of those who participate. These days, there
is a great struggle taking place between the forces of light/love/
wisdom and the forces of darkness. It behooves everyone to do what
they can to aid the Forces of Light especially now, while the battle
rages. By turning to the Light we move forward, by ignoring the
opportunities of these days progress is retarded. Join those who are
awake and wakening by doing what you can to help. Make sure that you
are on the side of the forces of light.

“A mantram is a collection of words which, when sounded in speech,
induce certain vibrations not only in the air, but also in the finer
ether, thereby producing certain effects…. you should study simple
forms of mantramic quality, for the purpose of [providing] spiritual
help. You will find now and then some expression that has resounded in
the brain, at last producing such a result that he who heard it turns
his mind to spiritual things.” W.Q. Judge

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--- The Great Invocation ---

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

The Great Invocation is a world prayer, translated into almost 70
languages and dialects. It is an instrument of power to aid the Plan
of God find full expression on Earth. To use it is an act of service
to humanity and the Christ. It expresses certain central truths which
all people innately and normally accept:

~That there exists a basic intelligence to whom we give the name of
~That there is a divine evolutionary Plan in the universe – the
motivating power of which is love.
~That a great individuality called by Christians the Christ – the
World Teacher – came to Earth and embodied that love so that we could
understand that love and intelligence are effects of the purpose, the
will and the Plan of God. Many religions believe in a World Teacher,
knowing him under such names as the Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, and
the Messiah.
~The truth that only through humanity itself can the divine Plan work

By means of invocation, prayer and meditation divine energies can be
released and brought into activity. Men and women of goodwill of many
faiths and nations can join together in world service, bringing
spiritual value and strength to a troubled world. Men and women have
the power, through focused, united invocation, to affect world events.
Knowledge of this fact, scientifically applied, can be one of the
great liberating factors within humanity.

No one can use this Invocation or prayer for illumination and for love
without causing powerful changes in attitudes and life intention.
Please use this Invocation every day, with thought and dedication and
share it with others who may be open to it.


The Great Invocation
(with visualizations suggested by Benjamin Creme)

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
[Visualize (or think of, if you cannot visualize) the Buddha, the
Embodiment of Light or Wisdom on the planet. Visualize Him sitting in
the lotus position, saffron robe over one shoulder, hand raised in
blessing, and see emanating from the heart centre, the ajna centre
(between the eyebrows), and the upraised hand of the Buddha, a
brilliant golden light… enter[ing] the minds of people everywhere.]

Let Light descend on Earth.
[Visualize the sun and see beams of white light entering & saturating
the earth.]

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
[Visualize the Christ (the Embodiment of Love) however you see Him…
See Him standing, arms raised in blessing, and see emanating from the
heart centre and the upraised hands of the Christ, a brilliant rose-
coloured light (not red). Visualize this rose light entering the
hearts of people everywhere.]

May Christ return to Earth.
[Remember that this refers to the Hierarchy as a whole and not only to
the Christ.]

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
[Visualize a great sphere of white light with beams of light entering
the world, galvanizing mankind into spiritual action.]

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Do this with focused thought and intention, your attention fixed on
the ajna centre between the eyebrows. In this way you form a
telepathic conduit between yourselves and Hierarchy and through that
conduit the energies thus invoked can flow. There is nothing better
you can do for the world or yourselves than to channel these great
spiritual potencies… The visualization was given to me by my Master
for the use of Transmission groups and anyone else who wishes to use
it. No visualization was given for the fourth stanza, which relates
not to a source of energy but to its working out in the world.
(Excerpted/paraphrased from “Transmission a Meditation for the New
Age” by Benjamin Creme; p 36-37) www.share-international.org

more about Great Invocation

Transmission Meditation
Powerful, scientific, non-denominational, world service meditation
No classes or special training is required.
Is always free
All you need is a willingness and the desire to serve humanity.
More than 600 Transmission groups in 40 countries worldwide.
Details: http://www.transmissionmeditation.org


...think OM...on the mental plane you are making a sound. Think OM.
Just like you think any thought. Think the OM thought...it should be
in the mind, wherever your thought activity is, which will be in your
brain. You think OM. You say your name is John. Or Alice. Or Vera. It
is a thought like any other thought...but the word itself is
different, that is the point. The OM is the great mantram...You do not
hear it, you think it. Hearing and thinking are two different things.
You can do it fast or slow, but it is the thought; it is not different
from any other thought, except in its reverberation in the mind. That
is what brings your attention to the ajna centre. It is the
vibration. If you say "OM" aloud, that vibrates at a certain level.
If you say it under your breath (silently), at another. If you think
it, that is the highest.
-From "Transmission: a Meditation for the New Age" -Addendum to the
Third Edition, by Benjamin Creme, p. 18 & 19.

27. The Word of Ishvara is AUM (or OM). This is the Pranava.
28. Through the sounding of the Word and through reflection upon its
meaning, the Way is found.
(From: The Light of The Soul – A paraphrase of The Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali, by AAB)

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Mentally link up with the other two members, visualize a triangle of
white light circulating above your heads, then say The Great
Invocation inwardly (mentally). See your triangle linked with all
other triangles, Transmission and meditation groups on the planet. See
the white light circulating among this network of focal points and
pouring out to envelop the world, thus helping to form a channel for
the downpouring of Light and Love into the body of humanity.

The triangles work, introduced by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul
during his collaboration with Alice A. Bailey, is a valuable service
to humanity and can be done along with Transmission Meditation.

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The sons of men are one and I am one with them.
I seek to love, not hate;
I seek to serve and not exact due service;
I seek to heal, not hurt.
Let pain bring due reward of light and love.
Let the soul control the outer form and life and all events,
And bring to light the love which underlies the happenings of the
Let vision come and insight.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.
Let love prevail.
Let all men love.

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2011-05-29 21:45:05 UTC
Post by 2B-Clear
By putting and energy into supporting the
Stay away from the Maitreya cult. They will rob you blind if given half the
2011-05-30 01:59:46 UTC
Post by Collier
Post by 2B-Clear
By putting and energy into supporting the
Stay away from the Maitreya cult. They will rob you blind if given half the
Ignore the senseless ravings of jokers who act as if they were
certifiable lunatics. Some are looking for attention. Pity the fools.
May they find the light of truth and peace soon, and radiate that.

Seekers of the truth are not encouraged to believe any teachings, but
they are encouraged to examine the teachings and to listen to their
heart's reaction. If what is said rings true in their hearts, it is
fine. If it does not ring true, it is also fine.


Great changes are coming to all of humanity. The ruling elite, who
care mostly about maintaining the status quo and about adding more and
more billions to their financial holdings are very opposed to the
inevitable world changes. The divine energies of the new era will
inspire people to rise up against their oppressors and to create an
entirely new world that is full of love and mutual respect. The power
of the world belongs to the people, but they must rise up and seize
it. Maitreya has said that "Where the people's voice is not heard,
there will be revolution." May the revolutions be characterized by
massive displays of love and intelligence and non-violence. May the
best and brightest of those who currently serve the ruling elite
rapidly become aware of the futility being on the side that only
wishes to exploit and abuse the people, may they do what they can to
support the revolutions.

"Maitreya is awaiting the best timing to go public... when the
crumbling economic system is bringing the West to its knees... We
think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so... If two-thirds of the world’s population are
living in poverty then the economic system does not work. If we think
that they will go on without asking that it work for them, then we are
sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya will make that
clear...People will begin to understand that humanity is travelling
together as one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary
journey. We are all travelling together along a path of evolution to
something tremendous which our minds at present find difficult to
truly understand.
Benjamin Creme

When you see Me you will know that My voice is yours, for I speak for
all men and women everywhere. I speak the thoughts which blossom in
hearts and minds of pure Love. I speak of the needs of all, for
Sharing and Justice. I show men that the path to Justice is simple,
the way forward calls all men. I speak of God’s Truth, of the Light
within mankind, of the need for trust, the Love of brother for
brother. Of all of this I speak. Soon men will know...
(Maitreya, from Message No.108)

"The great fault of modern education has been that, with all its
advanced methods of training children, it has missed what is most
important: namely the lesson of unselfishness. Man thinks that an
unselfish person is incapable of guarding his own interests in life;
however much it may appear so it is not so in reality. A selfish
is a disappointment to others, and in the end a disadvantage to
himself. Mankind is interdependent, and the happiness of each depends
upon the happiness of all, and it is this lesson that humanity has to
learn today as the first and the last lesson." Sufi Inayat Khan

Peace will be the result of understanding and sharing, and not the
origin of them...
Djwahl Khul

"A world of glaring inequality is never going to be a fully
safe world. For millions of people, the threat of terrorism,
or of weapons of mass destruction, is remote compared to the
daily threat of poverty, hunger, unsafe water, environmental
degradation and disease. We have come to a decisive moment
in history." Kofi Annan

“The developed nations of the world cannot remain secure islands of
prosperity in a seething sea of poverty. The storm is rising against
the privileged minority of the earth,
from which there is no shelter in isolation and armament. The storm
will not abate until a just distribution of the fruits of the earth
men everywhere to live in dignity and human decency.”
Martin Luther King, Jr

"The time for war has past... Man must change or die. There is no
other course."
The World Teacher


THE ONE PROPHESIED by ALL the major world religions will soon be seen
by everyone. He will NOT endorse any particular religion over any
other, nor will He send anyone to ”hell”. He does not want anyone to
worship Him. Instead He will teach mankind to see God within everyone
and to honor/recognize the sacredness of ALL life. He will inspire
humanity to see itself as one family & to rebuild the world based upon
the principles of sharing, justice, brotherhood, and love.
Read all about it! http://www.Share-International.org


Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti Om
Bruce Morgen
2011-05-30 02:34:48 UTC
[snipped the usual copied
and pasted boilerplate]
Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti Om
Benjamin "Clotted" Creme
has approximately the same
level of credibility as
Harold Camping -- neither
of these old fools has
had a single significant
prediction come true, and
both have been making
their embarrassingly
failed predictions
literally for decades.

The most remarkable thing
about them is that they
each have a few thousand
diehard followers willing
to continue touting them
as prophetic visionaries
and in some cases even
sending them money.


2011-06-01 12:25:50 UTC
Everyone with an opinion is correct from their perspective.

In Maitreya's teachings about 'detachment' if i were to think "i am
right and you are wrong", then it would indicate that i was not
practicing detachment and was caught up in the web of attachment.

"According to Maitreya, when you judge, saying 'I am right. You are
wrong’, you are caught in the web of attachment. The Self must always
practise detachment. In this way, awareness will grow. The Self is
neutral and free from suffering. Awareness protects the Self. Just as
the body must be bathed, detachment is the "bath" of mind, and
awareness is the "bath" of spirit."

from the last paragraph in this article "the art of Self-realization

We are all mere fragments of what we will eventually become.
Bruce Morgen
2011-06-01 16:26:08 UTC
Post by knowbuddee
Everyone with an opinion is correct from their perspective.
In Maitreya's teachings about 'detachment' if i were to think "i am
right and you are wrong", then it would indicate that i was not
practicing detachment and was caught up in the web of attachment.
"According to Maitreya, when you judge, saying 'I am right. You are
wrong’, you are caught in the web of attachment. The Self must always
practise detachment. In this way, awareness will grow. The Self is
neutral and free from suffering. Awareness protects the Self. Just as
the body must be bathed, detachment is the "bath" of mind, and
awareness is the "bath" of spirit."
from the last paragraph in this article "the art of Self-realization
We are all mere fragments of what we will eventually become.
We already are "what we
will eventually become"
-- for the most part, we
cannot see that, and the
future-fixated p.o.v.
promoted by Creme is an
impediment to that
crucial discovery. He
means well in his
quaintly anachronistic
Euro-esoteric, Fabian
socialist way, but being
inveterately wishful
*well* past the point of
delusion, his activity
is actually detrimental.

"The is a secret medicine
given only to those
who hurt so badly
they can no longer hope.
The hopeful multitudes
would be offended,
if only they knew...."

Rumi (as badly paraphrased
from memory by yours truly)
2011-06-01 23:47:30 UTC
Post by knowbuddee
Everyone with an opinion is correct from their perspective.
The earth is not flat.

Although you're a living example for those religious whackos who reject
evolution. No, the universe is not expanding for the maitreya cult.
2011-06-01 23:45:58 UTC
Post by Bruce Morgen
[snipped the usual copied
and pasted boilerplate]
Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti Om
Benjamin "Clotted" Creme
has approximately the same
level of credibility as
Harold Camping -- neither
of these old fools has
had a single significant
prediction come true, and
both have been making
their embarrassingly
failed predictions
literally for decades.
They really have little to offer the public at large with their nonsense. Dotty
Spammer is proof that the Maitreya cult does not further one's personal
spiritual progress.
Post by Bruce Morgen
The most remarkable thing
about them is that they
each have a few thousand
diehard followers willing
to continue touting them
as prophetic visionaries
and in some cases even
sending them money.
2011-06-01 23:44:45 UTC
Post by knowbuddee
Post by Collier
Post by 2B-Clear
By putting and energy into supporting the
Stay away from the Maitreya cult. They will rob you blind if given half the
Ignore the senseless ravings of jokers who act as if they were
certifiable lunatics. Some are looking for attention. Pity the fools.
May they find the light of truth and peace soon, and radiate that.
Seekers of the truth are not encouraged to believe any teachings, but
they are encouraged to examine the teachings and to listen to their
heart's reaction. If what is said rings true in their hearts, it is
fine. If it does not ring true, it is also fine.
What a ridiculous rant, and I've read it before. It's usenet samsara — Maitreya
spammers forever on the endless wheel of death and rebirth:

Post a spam for their cult. No maitreya comes. Post more spam for their cult.

The maitreya cult will rob you blind if given half the chance
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-10 06:28:43 UTC
Post by knowbuddee
Post by Collier
Post by 2B-Clear
By putting and energy into supporting the
Stay away from the Maitreya cult. They will rob you blind if given half the
Ignore the senseless ravings of jokers who act as if they were
certifiable lunatics.
The War Mongers don't "ACT LIKE" , they ARE CERTIFIABLE!
That is why they claim people to be Nuts, they aren't Doctors, rather have First
Hand Clinical Experience!
Besides the Star Gate Project put their JEDI, out hunting Alice Bailey's People.

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-10 06:25:15 UTC
Post by Collier
Post by 2B-Clear
By putting and energy into supporting the
Stay away from the Maitreya cult. They will rob you blind if given half the
Not half as bad as CHRISTIAN IDOLATERS DO!
Besides their CULT, is just that, with little clue as to the Real Person, they
Pretend to Support!
Show me one person besides Me, who talks of "KING YUE", and MAHAYANA, or the Co
Cha, the FISH, Born of the River!
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-10 06:22:14 UTC
Post by 2B-Clear
By putting and energy into supporting the forces of light, we increase
the light streaming to Earth
Thing is the WORLD has it all Backwards, according to the Baghavadghita the Tribes of the SUN, are the "DARK
SIDE", the Children of the MOON are the White Boys!
The Light Side LACK the COLORS the SUNs LIGHT Provides!
That is why if you look CLOSELY, the ANGLO'S are the ones who START all the Fights!
RA, came forth from the Mountain, to bring Light to the Darkness and Order to the Chaos!
The "Covenant of Abraham", is HEL!
He Bought the Cave, to Bury Sarah, it is the TRIBES "SEPULCHER"!
HEL, is vastly different than the HELL of the Teachings, and the House of the NUN, are the Apollyians of