Reasons to Celebrate the Impending Collapse of the Corrupt Global Economic System
(too old to reply)
2011-08-12 18:42:53 UTC
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
collapse. If not this month, then it is sure to happen within the next
few years. This is necessary & should most certainly be welcomed and
celebrated by all people who despise corruption & long for a better

The world's corrupt economic system is manipulated by men who are as
addicted to making ever increasing sums of money, as are morbidly
obese people (400 lbs and up) who like them, don't know when to push
away from the table. It is a worn out relic of the past, that will
suck large quantities of human blood until it is dead. It stands in
the way of progress & peace. Our economic system can also be likened
to an old man whose major organs have become infested with malignant
tumors. He has been kept artificially "alive" and is now less human
than a vegetable. His (it's) remaining days are clearly limited.

As a growing number of people are noticing, the world economic system
(like the status quo!) serves an elite minority, at the expense of
the global majority. It is an unfair & cruel system that must be
eliminated & replaced with a new system that serves the majority.

The stock markets are manipulated by billionaires who have no sympathy
for the people who are mercilessly exploited, who are forced to live
on the edge. The total collapse is as necessary as was the fall of
Rome & is as unavoidable as have been all the major social advances of
the past century. Racism & Sexism are no longer acceptable. Extreme
greed and political corruption are next in line to be rejected.

The governments all over the world, are examples of the blind leading
the blind. World leaders must grasp the fact that old solutions that
have worked for them in the past, no longer work. Presently, the
money men and politicians on both sides of the aisle are in denial,
looking for ways to prop up the failed system again. Circumstances
are sure to eventually force them to face reality.
It's just a matter of time til that happens.

Eventually, by popular demand, poverty & the unbridled greed that
causes it, will be total eradicated from our world. Everyone's basic
needs for food, shelter, healthcare, & education will gradually become
global human rights. The end of political corruption, plus the
growing awareness that humanity is one, and the industrial &
technological advances of the past 100 years, will make the changes
much easier than most imagine. In the light of a new awareness, we
will solve our major problems & build a New World, where the human
family becomes a peaceful, functional family.

Everyone should get ready for some major, positive changes in the
world. The important thing to bear in mind is that the collapse of the
world's corrupt economic system is definitely a good thing. With each
passing day, it grows more obvious that it is time to build a new
world based upon the principles of justice, sustainability, and peace.


3 quotes from Benjamin Creme

"...We think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so... If two-thirds of the world’s population are
living in poverty then the economic system does not work. If we think
that they will go on without asking that it work for them, then we are
sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya will make that clear..."
Benjamin Creme

"When the people's voice is not heard, there will inevitably be

"People will begin to understand that humanity is travelling together
as one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We
are all travelling together along a path of evolution to something
tremendous which our minds at present find difficult to truly
Benjamin Creme


"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil
obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world
have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have
gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience.
. . Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the
face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty.
Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of
petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the
country. That's our problem."
—The late, great, Howard Zinn


"Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be
no peace; without peace there can be no future... Man must change
or die. There is no other course."
Maitreya, the World Teacher


"The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the
greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity
cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world on the day of
that great revolution."
Federico Garcia Lorca


"The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press,
usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to
organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of
them." Albert Einstein


“So a peace will come again on earth, but a peace unlike aught known
before. Then will the will-to-good flower forth as understanding, &
understanding blossom as goodwill in men.” The Tibetan


Let the Truth Set (or keep) You Free -- From the lies of the ruling
elite (the billionaires who treat the people like herds of stupid

Stay Informed:
Commercial free, daily, informative, radical, progressive. Major daily
broadcasts from Washington, DC: between 5pm & 11pm, Eastern time
Thom Hartmann formerly of Air America, the Alonya show, & the
Kaiser report are three of many great shows that they have. Check it


Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news
program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez.
Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S.,
Democracy Now! is broadcast on Pacifica, NPR, community, and college
radio stations; on public access, PBS, satellite television (DISH
network: Free Speech TV ch. 9415 and Link TV ch. 9410; DIRECTV: Free
Speech TV ch. 348 and Link TV ch. 375); and on the internet. DN!’s
podcast is one of the most popular on the web.
They have a 1 hour show five days a week - Monday thru Friday.


Q. What is the most significant lie that the American people have been
tricked into believing?

A. That the military industrial complex exists to defend us. In truth,
it exists to defend the pork barrels that have been put in place by
extremely wealthy, greedy, men who simply can't get enough billions -
- who don't care how much blood is on their money. They are men who
go have their minions take all the necessary steps to perpetually
create & agravate enemies, so that their pork barrels can be
justified. They will stop at nothing to prevent peace and prolong war.


"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as
something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a
small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the
benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses." (Major General
Smedley Butler, USMC)


Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions since World War
II is a history book on covert CIA operations and U.S. military
interventions during the second half of the 20th century, written by
former State Department employee William Blum.

The book covers various US foreign policy ventures from just after
World War II onward. Its basic premise is that the Soviet Union
occupied the Warsaw Pact states only to better defend its
territory[citation needed] and the American Cold War-era activities
abroad were done with imperialist motives...

Noam Chomsky called it "Far and away the best book on the topic."[1]
Former CIA officer John Stockwell called it "The single most useful
summary of CIA history."

The 12 lines above were copied from:

Mr. Blum has many chapters from the book online for free reading here:

excerpt from William Blum's june 28 newsletter:

We came, we saw, we destroyed, we forgot

An updated summary of the charming record of US foreign policy. Since
the end of the Second World War, the United States of America has ...

1. Attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, most of which
were democratically-elected. 7
2. Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20
countries. 8
3. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30
countries. 9
4. Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries. 10
5. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders. 11

In total: Since 1945, the United States has carried out one or more of
the above actions, on one or more occasions, in the following 69
Excepted from:

William Blum on the recent Tragedy in Norway:
"Amidst all the sadness and horror surrounding the massacre in Norway,
we should not lose sight of the fact that "peaceful little Norway"
participated in the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999; has deployed troops
in Iraq; has troops in Afghanistan; and has supplied warplanes for
NATO's bombing of Libya. The teenagers of those countries who lost
their lives to the US/NATO killing machine wanted to live to adulthood
and old age as much as the teenagers in Norway. With all the
condemnation of "extremism" we now hear in Norway and around the world
we must ask if this behavior of the Norwegian government, as well as
that of the United States and NATO, is not "extremist"."


Colman McCarthy: Among individuals, peace is the result of love. If
love were easy, we’d all be good at it. Collectively, peace is the
result of justice. And again, if justice were easy all nations would
be good at it.
Politicians who argue that peace comes through strength are referring
to military strength – the strength of violence, from the violence of
the nuclear bomb to the roadside bomb. If military strength were
effective, the planet would have had peace eons ago. Yet against all
historical evidence, we are repeatedly told, war after war, century
after century, that this time violence will work.


"I have not come to create followers, each of you should continue to
develop within your own religious tradition. Even when you see Me, do
notrun after Me. If you run after me, you will lose Me. If you
parade Me, you do not know who I am. I cannot be monopolized, I belong
to everyone."


"Infinity means, 'without end.' The infinity of God's consciousness
goes not only outward, but inward to the very heart of the atom.
He is as conscious of every human thought, of every feeling, as
He is of the movements of vast galaxies in space."
From The Essence of Self-Realization by Paramhansa Yogananda

"They that deny a God destroy man's nobility;
for certainly man is kin to the beasts by his body;
and if he be not kin to God by his spirit,
he is a base and ignoble creature."
Francis Bacon


"There is nothing in your world, either alive or dead, that is worth
being agitated about, except the alleviation of suffering." From: "The
Boy & the Brothers"

There's lots of good material to be found at:
The Agni Yoga teachings were given via mental telepathy through Helena
Roerich (a disciple of the Master Morya), with the exception of the
first book "The Call" (aka: Leaves of Morya's Garden, I) which was
given by Maitreya.


"Many await My Coming with trepidation, fearing the loss of all that
they have amassed & gained. Fear not, My friends, for the loss will be
the loss of separation only, of division & fear, of envy & hate. To
clear these from the world, all must be remade. Know this, My
friends, & be ready to share, to see your brother as yourself, to
clasp him in your arms & call him friend. In this way, My brothers,
you manifest God's Plan." Maitreya, the World Teacher


Agni Yoga, 336. No name will provoke so many attacks as that of
Maitreya, for it is bound up with the future. Nothing provokes so much
fear and irritation in people as thinking about the future.


It seems that Maitreya, Jesus + some other Masters of Wisdom look for
group activities that they can empower by pouring on Their blessings.
This video "playing for change - music for peace" with the Bob Marley
song "one Love" maybe one of those that recieved Their blessings .
Check it out!


The future will see right relationships, true communion, a sharing of
all things (wine, the blood, the life and bread, economic
satisfaction) and goodwill; we have also a picture of the future of
humanity when all nations are united in complete understanding and
the diversity of languages - symbolic of differing traditions,
cultures, civilizations and points of view - will provide no barrier
to right human relations. At the center of each of these pictures is
to be found the Christ. Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the
United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition and a new
church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups,
will untidily bring to an end the great heresy of separateness. Love,
unity, and the Risen Christ will be present, and He will demonstrate
to us the perfect life." The Tibetan

The great moment for which He has so patiently waited has almost
arrived; the "end of the age" to which He referred when speaking to
His small group of disciples: "Lo! I am with you all the days even
unto the end of the age" has come. Today He stands and waits, knowing
that the hour has come when He will "see of the travail of His soul
and be satisfied." (Is:LIII:11.) Alice Bailey


"The cause of all sorrow and woes is desire -- desire for
that which is material. ... 'No man liveth unto himself",
and no nation either, and ...the goal of all human effort
is loving understanding, prompted by a love for the whole."
Djwhal Khul

"...The religious path, as seen by the Masters, is only one of many
paths to the demonstration of our innate divinity. God does not
reside in the religion, although the religion might help you to
realize that divinity. Every aspect of life --politics, economics,
religion, art, culture, science, education --can be lived in such a
way that what we call God can be known and expressed.

The divine becomes a moment-to-moment experience.
That is in fact what it is. It is not a man with a
beard sitting up in the sky watching that you are
not stealing, lying, or cheating. It is inside you;
it is your sense of the divine inside that gradually
changes you from lying, cheating, and stealing to not
doing these things. Not because somebody is telling you
that it is bad, but because you instinctively know that
that is not the right way to live with your fellow
human beings.

Whatever injures or harms another person is intuitively,
instinctively, wrong. A change in behavior comes
about by self-observation and self-determination.
These things fall away as you become more aware of, and
imbued with, the quality of the soul. That will happen
on a wider and wider scale as humanity ceases to compete
and learns to cooperate --in the family, in the community,
nationally and internationally..." Benjamin Creme


"He shall proclaim the norm, lovely in its beginning,
lovely in its middle, and lovely in the end thereof." Gautama Buddha
2011-08-12 19:41:18 UTC
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
Benjamin Creme's nasty cult is destined to totally collapse.
2011-08-12 21:40:45 UTC
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or sensibility are not
part of the picture.


Mantra of Unification

"The sons of men are one, & I am one with them. I seek to love not
hate; I seek to serve & not exact due service. I seek to heal, not
hurt. Let pain bring due reward of light & love. Let the soul control
the outer form, & life, & all events, & bring to light the love that
underlies the happenings of the time. Let vision come & insight; let
the future stand revealed. Let inner union demonstrate, & outer
cleavages be gone. Let love prevail. Let all men love."


     These words may seem inadequate, but said with power & an
understanding of their significance, & with the potency of the mind &
heart behind them, they can prove unbelievably potent in the life of
the one who says them. They will produce also an effect in his
environment, & the accumulated effects in the world, as you spread the
knowledge of the formula, will be great & effective. It will change
attitudes, enlighten the vision & lead the aspirant to fuller service
& to a wider co-operation based upon sacrifice." (from Alice Bailey's
book: The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 142)

"...mankind [will advance] into a civilization and a state of
consciousness in which right human relations and worldwide cooperation
for the good of all will be the universal keynote."
The Tibetan
Post by Collier
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
Benjamin Creme's nasty cult is destined to totally collapse.
Bruce Morgen
2011-08-12 22:12:10 UTC
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.

The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
Post by q4l
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-13 06:21:49 UTC
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.
The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
To you discredited!
To Me, recital of the Visions of the Oracles and Prophets, which are
Unfolding before your eyes!
Like it or Not, this IS the LEGEND of the END OF TIMES!
The BEAST is a Descendant of JACOB, Jacob could "STOP TIME"!
NASA is Launching Missiles at the RAINBOW BRIDGE, and the OIL BOYS are
after ANWR, RAGNAROC is afoot!
Time for Lum o Hod, to Take away the Tsin's of the Earth!
Bruce Morgen
2011-08-13 18:12:56 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.
The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
To you discredited!
To Me, recital of the Visions of the Oracles and Prophets, which are
Unfolding before your eyes!
Like it or Not, this IS the LEGEND of the END OF TIMES!
The BEAST is a Descendant of JACOB, Jacob could "STOP TIME"!
NASA is Launching Missiles at the RAINBOW BRIDGE, and the OIL BOYS are
after ANWR, RAGNAROC is afoot!
Time for Lum o Hod, to Take away the Tsin's of the Earth!
Whatever you say, dear.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-16 03:25:59 UTC
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.
The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
To you discredited!
To Me, recital of the Visions of the Oracles and Prophets, which are
Unfolding before your eyes!
Like it or Not, this IS the LEGEND of the END OF TIMES!
The BEAST is a Descendant of JACOB, Jacob could "STOP TIME"!
NASA is Launching Missiles at the RAINBOW BRIDGE, and the OIL BOYS are
after ANWR, RAGNAROC is afoot!
Time for Lum o Hod, to Take away the Tsin's of the Earth!
Whatever you say, dear.
Bruce Morgen
2011-08-16 08:06:04 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever. Do
carry on!
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.
The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
To you discredited!
To Me, recital of the Visions of the Oracles and Prophets, which are
Unfolding before your eyes!
Like it or Not, this IS the LEGEND of the END OF TIMES!
The BEAST is a Descendant of JACOB, Jacob could "STOP TIME"!
NASA is Launching Missiles at the RAINBOW BRIDGE, and the OIL BOYS are
after ANWR, RAGNAROC is afoot!
Time for Lum o Hod, to Take away the Tsin's of the Earth!
Whatever you say, dear.
2011-08-16 21:17:24 UTC
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.  Do
carry on!
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.
The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
To you discredited!
To Me, recital of the Visions of the Oracles and Prophets, which are
Unfolding before your eyes!
Like it or Not, this IS the LEGEND of the END OF TIMES!
The BEAST is a Descendant of JACOB, Jacob could "STOP TIME"!
NASA is Launching Missiles at the RAINBOW BRIDGE, and the OIL BOYS are
after ANWR, RAGNAROC is afoot!
Time for Lum o Hod, to Take away the Tsin's of the Earth!
Whatever you say, dear.
Just because some watery tart lobbed a sword at you doesn't make you a
Bruce Morgen
2011-08-16 22:57:08 UTC
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.  Do
carry on!
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.
The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
To you discredited!
To Me, recital of the Visions of the Oracles and Prophets, which are
Unfolding before your eyes!
Like it or Not, this IS the LEGEND of the END OF TIMES!
The BEAST is a Descendant of JACOB, Jacob could "STOP TIME"!
NASA is Launching Missiles at the RAINBOW BRIDGE, and the OIL BOYS are
after ANWR, RAGNAROC is afoot!
Time for Lum o Hod, to Take away the Tsin's of the Earth!
Whatever you say, dear.
Just because some watery tart lobbed a sword at you
doesn't make you a king!
You are correct, Michaelji
-- take it from my Ex,

Best wishes to you and
yours, my friend.

Much love -- Bruce
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-18 04:13:03 UTC
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever. Do
carry on!
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.
The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
To you discredited!
To Me, recital of the Visions of the Oracles and Prophets, which are
Unfolding before your eyes!
Like it or Not, this IS the LEGEND of the END OF TIMES!
The BEAST is a Descendant of JACOB, Jacob could "STOP TIME"!
NASA is Launching Missiles at the RAINBOW BRIDGE, and the OIL BOYS are
after ANWR, RAGNAROC is afoot!
Time for Lum o Hod, to Take away the Tsin's of the Earth!
Whatever you say, dear.
Just because some watery tart lobbed a sword at you
doesn't make you a king!
You are correct, Michaelji
-- take it from my Ex,
Something YOU, know "NOTHING" of!
Claighma Solaris is "BEYOND YOUR GRASP"!
You love playing Language Nazi, yet can't understand the ENGLISH, You Insult, lil
Bheares of the Cave are not Fur Bearing Quadrapeds, rather "CHILDERN/DESCENDANTS" of
the "CAVE"!
Something Germanic "PRETENDERS", "ARE NOT"!
2011-08-18 16:24:23 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Something YOU, know "NOTHING" of!
Claighma Solaris is "BEYOND YOUR GRASP"!
You love playing Language Nazi, yet can't understand the ENGLISH, You Insult, lil
Bheares of the Cave are not Fur Bearing Quadrapeds, rather "CHILDERN/DESCENDANTS" of
the "CAVE"!
Something Germanic "PRETENDERS", "ARE NOT"!
"can't understand the ENGLISH"??? LOL! Well, it's true that the
English do have a bit of an accent which takes getting used to. But
they are still quite understandable. We don't have any problem with
Monty Python, Faulty Towers, Keeping Up Appearances, etc.

Now, as far as communicating clearly and cogently in the English
languages goes . . Honey, once you are back on your meds, and able to
write a coherent sentence, then we can talk. :)
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-19 05:34:40 UTC
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Something YOU, know "NOTHING" of!
Claighma Solaris is "BEYOND YOUR GRASP"!
You love playing Language Nazi, yet can't understand the ENGLISH, You Insult, lil
Bheares of the Cave are not Fur Bearing Quadrapeds, rather "CHILDERN/DESCENDANTS" of
the "CAVE"!
Something Germanic "PRETENDERS", "ARE NOT"!
"can't understand the ENGLISH"???
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-18 04:08:49 UTC
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever. Do
carry on!
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or
sensibility are not part of the picture.
"Truth, logic, or sensibility
are not part of the picture"
among the diehard followers
of that consistently failed
Euro-Esotericist and Fabian
Socialist crackpot Ben Creme,
so one must assume you are
commenting on your own
delusional cultscreed.
The world has real problems
that require real solutions,
not laughably elaborate and
inveterately wishful
reiterations of long-
discredited notions cribbed
from the likes of Blavatsky,
Besant, Bailey, & Co.
To you discredited!
To Me, recital of the Visions of the Oracles and Prophets, which are
Unfolding before your eyes!
Like it or Not, this IS the LEGEND of the END OF TIMES!
The BEAST is a Descendant of JACOB, Jacob could "STOP TIME"!
NASA is Launching Missiles at the RAINBOW BRIDGE, and the OIL BOYS are
after ANWR, RAGNAROC is afoot!
Time for Lum o Hod, to Take away the Tsin's of the Earth!
Whatever you say, dear.
Just because some watery tart lobbed a sword at you doesn't make you a
Lake is such a Whip!
They RUN at the First sign of a Fight!
That is why ROME, made LUGH, MARS!
Nasty CRONES, there just "BOYS WHO WEAR SKIRTS" anyway!
2011-08-18 16:25:48 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Just because some watery tart lobbed a sword at you doesn't make you a
Lake is such a Whip!
They RUN at the First sign of a Fight!
That is why ROME, made LUGH, MARS!
Nasty CRONES, there just "BOYS WHO WEAR SKIRTS" anyway!
Apparently, sweetie, you are unfamiliar with Monty Python. Why don't
you rent "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and watch it when your not
busy with Ru Paul auditions. ;)
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-19 05:35:54 UTC
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Just because some watery tart lobbed a sword at you doesn't make you a
Lake is such a Whip!
They RUN at the First sign of a Fight!
That is why ROME, made LUGH, MARS!
Nasty CRONES, there just "BOYS WHO WEAR SKIRTS" anyway!
Apparently, sweetie, you are unfamiliar with Monty Python.
You ain't the Holy Grail, just some "Dirty English KN Igit"!
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-18 04:06:33 UTC
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.
It is MY NAME, in the Legends, My FAMILY TREE they FOLLOW, I am "THE", The
Descendant, THE 6, born of The House of 6, Leaders of the Tribes of the 6, and
God Sealed the Deal with a Hickey on my Right Forearm TO PROVE IT!
WHO, the FUCK, are YOU???
Bruce Morgen
2011-08-18 16:35:28 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.
It is MY NAME, in the Legends, My FAMILY TREE they FOLLOW, I am "THE", The
Descendant, THE 6, born of The House of 6, Leaders of the Tribes of the 6, and
God Sealed the Deal with a Hickey on my Right Forearm TO PROVE IT!
WHO, the FUCK, are YOU???
Nothing -- at least nothing
you are likely to undestand
given your current state of
profound perceptual fugue.
Let's leave it at that,
shall we?
2011-08-18 16:40:32 UTC
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.
It is MY NAME, in the Legends, My FAMILY TREE they FOLLOW, I am "THE", The
Descendant, THE 6, born of The House of 6, Leaders of the Tribes of the 6, and
God Sealed the Deal with a Hickey on my Right Forearm TO PROVE IT!
WHO, the FUCK, are YOU???
Nothing -- at least nothing
you are likely to undestand
given your current state of
profound perceptual fugue.
Let's leave it at that,
shall we?
Is that different from Walter White's fugue in Breaking Bad?

Good to see you, Bruce. How're you doing? You should drop me a line
on Facebook sometime. You can find the coordinates on my Jap Ji
post. :)
Bruce Morgen
2011-08-18 17:00:07 UTC
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.
It is MY NAME, in the Legends, My FAMILY TREE they FOLLOW, I am "THE", The
Descendant, THE 6, born of The House of 6, Leaders of the Tribes of the 6, and
God Sealed the Deal with a Hickey on my Right Forearm TO PROVE IT!
WHO, the FUCK, are YOU???
Nothing -- at least nothing
you are likely to undestand
given your current state of
profound perceptual fugue.
Let's leave it at that,
shall we?
Is that different from Walter White's fugue in Breaking Bad?
Good to see you, Bruce. How're you doing? You should drop me a line
on Facebook sometime. You can find the coordinates on my Jap Ji
post. :)
Fond greetings, Michaelji
-- should I ever choose to
participate in the "social
networking" world, I will
definitely look you up!
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-19 05:39:22 UTC
SSocks of a Pair EH?
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.
It is MY NAME, in the Legends, My FAMILY TREE they FOLLOW, I am "THE", The
Descendant, THE 6, born of The House of 6, Leaders of the Tribes of the 6, and
God Sealed the Deal with a Hickey on my Right Forearm TO PROVE IT!
WHO, the FUCK, are YOU???
Nothing -- at least nothing
you are likely to undestand
given your current state of
profound perceptual fugue.
Let's leave it at that,
shall we?
Is that different from Walter White's fugue in Breaking Bad?
Good to see you, Bruce. How're you doing? You should drop me a line
on Facebook sometime. You can find the coordinates on my Jap Ji
post. :)
Fond greetings, Michaelji
-- should I ever choose to
participate in the "social
networking" world, I will
definitely look you up!
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-19 05:38:40 UTC
Post by M***@yahoo.com
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.
It is MY NAME, in the Legends, My FAMILY TREE they FOLLOW, I am "THE", The
Descendant, THE 6, born of The House of 6, Leaders of the Tribes of the 6, and
God Sealed the Deal with a Hickey on my Right Forearm TO PROVE IT!
WHO, the FUCK, are YOU???
Nothing -- at least nothing
you are likely to undestand
given your current state of
profound perceptual fugue.
Let's leave it at that,
shall we?
Is that different from Walter White's fugue in Breaking Bad?
Hollywood Bable, just like you!
Tale of LUGH, is a Fag Story, Lady of the Lake, a Shape Shifter, not in YOUR World!
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-19 05:37:02 UTC
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Bruce Morgen
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
KEWL, cause "LIKE IT, or NOT", "I" am Pendragon.
The "GREAT BEAR/Rampant Lion"!
"THE", "Chosen", "Left Hand", of "GOD"!
Of course you are, no
doubt whatsoever.
It is MY NAME, in the Legends, My FAMILY TREE they FOLLOW, I am "THE", The
Descendant, THE 6, born of The House of 6, Leaders of the Tribes of the 6, and
God Sealed the Deal with a Hickey on my Right Forearm TO PROVE IT!
WHO, the FUCK, are YOU???
Nothing -- at least nothing
you are likely to undestand
given your current state of
profound perceptual fugue.
God had the Arianhod, Tell "ME" my Name!
Who are YOU??
Michael Turner
2011-08-22 17:52:54 UTC
Post by Bruce Morgen
Nothing -- at least nothing
you are likely to undestand
given your current state of
profound perceptual fugue.
Let's leave it at that,
shall we?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Is that the same thing as Walter White's fugue in Breaking Bad?
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-24 04:51:24 UTC
Post by Michael Turner
Post by Bruce Morgen
Nothing -- at least nothing
you are likely to undestand
given your current state of
profound perceptual fugue.
Let's leave it at that,
shall we?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Is that the same thing as Walter White's fugue in Breaking Bad?
Just Fools who can not allow Mahayana, the Romans were WRONG in
emulating Other Cultures, just Gypsies, Robbers and Thieves, who created
their own lil city, just like the Good Olde Boys I gotta deal with

2011-08-13 02:09:39 UTC
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
It's funny when they get mean on usenet, but it's not fun when they get mean at
you when you go to one of their Maitreya events and they try to get money out
of you. They're sharks and they will try to rob you blind. Stay away from that
Maitreya, 'Transmission Meditation' cult.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-13 06:25:30 UTC
Post by Collier
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
It's funny when they get mean on usenet, but it's not fun when they get mean at
you when you go to one of their Maitreya events and they try to get money out
of you.
All CHURCHES, like that one!
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-13 06:15:50 UTC
Post by q4l
Like attention starved dogs in lonely places who bark at nothing,
simply to attract some attention. Apparently that is what some people
are about at this point in time. Truth, logic, or sensibility are not
part of the picture.
Chaos, Discord, Warmongering, and Bigotry, are what Most People are "ALL
Especially the "CONSERVATIVE" RIGHT, which when I was growing up was
called "EXTREME" Right!
Conservative held what are now called Liberal Views, and
Liberal LEFTIES, were the Extremists such as the HIPPIES, Chicago 7,
Weather Underground, White Panthers, Black Panthers, Rainbow Coalition,
ect. . . . . . .
Puritan's of the Tea Bagger's are NAZI FASCISTS, physically out to "START
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-13 06:09:28 UTC
Post by Collier
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
Benjamin Creme's nasty cult is destined to totally collapse.
MAHAYANA, is a Lot OLDER and BIGGER than That!
Just because You only know one Idea, doesn't make it Right!
Some Liar Selling Secrets to Heaven, doesn't make the Legends a LIE!
2011-08-13 19:01:56 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Collier
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
Benjamin Creme's nasty cult is destined to totally collapse.
MAHAYANA, is a Lot OLDER and BIGGER than That!
Just because You only know one Idea, doesn't make it Right!
Some Liar Selling Secrets to Heaven, doesn't make the Legends a LIE!
Creme's crap has nothing to do with the legend except the name. Nothing.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-16 03:42:36 UTC
Post by Collier
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Collier
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
Benjamin Creme's nasty cult is destined to totally collapse.
MAHAYANA, is a Lot OLDER and BIGGER than That!
Just because You only know one Idea, doesn't make it Right!
Some Liar Selling Secrets to Heaven, doesn't make the Legends a LIE!
Creme's crap has nothing to do with the legend except the name. Nothing.
Few, "PRETENDERS", do!
Brown Shirts, are not BHEARE's or Bear Shirts!
There is a Difference, between ARYAN, and Au'Rain!
Few understand "WERELICH" teachings!
"I" am a "Descendant of OG, the "WORD, The FISH, < ><, Born of the RIVER!
Padmieoghm, of the Oghmanie, "Meat of the Pig/Child of HAM"!
Burning St. Jon, was found NOT TO BE an ACT taken "FOR", GOD!
Girls will be Boys, and BOYS will be GIRLS!
Like it or Not, "Faeries/Eunuch's", EXIST!!!
2011-08-16 18:37:03 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Collier
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Collier
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
Benjamin Creme's nasty cult is destined to totally collapse.
MAHAYANA, is a Lot OLDER and BIGGER than That!
Just because You only know one Idea, doesn't make it Right!
Some Liar Selling Secrets to Heaven, doesn't make the Legends a LIE!
Creme's crap has nothing to do with the legend except the name. Nothing.
Few, "PRETENDERS", do!
Brown Shirts, are not BHEARE's or Bear Shirts!
There is a Difference, between ARYAN, and Au'Rain!
Few understand "WERELICH" teachings!
"I" am a "Descendant of OG, the "WORD, The FISH, < ><, Born of the RIVER!
Padmieoghm, of the Oghmanie, "Meat of the Pig/Child of HAM"!
Burning St. Jon, was found NOT TO BE an ACT taken "FOR", GOD!
Girls will be Boys, and BOYS will be GIRLS!
Like it or Not, "Faeries/Eunuch's", EXIST!!!
Is that you, Sarah Palin?
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-18 04:06:58 UTC
Post by Collier
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Collier
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Collier
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
Benjamin Creme's nasty cult is destined to totally collapse.
MAHAYANA, is a Lot OLDER and BIGGER than That!
Just because You only know one Idea, doesn't make it Right!
Some Liar Selling Secrets to Heaven, doesn't make the Legends a LIE!
Creme's crap has nothing to do with the legend except the name. Nothing.
Few, "PRETENDERS", do!
Brown Shirts, are not BHEARE's or Bear Shirts!
There is a Difference, between ARYAN, and Au'Rain!
Few understand "WERELICH" teachings!
"I" am a "Descendant of OG, the "WORD, The FISH, < ><, Born of the RIVER!
Padmieoghm, of the Oghmanie, "Meat of the Pig/Child of HAM"!
Burning St. Jon, was found NOT TO BE an ACT taken "FOR", GOD!
Girls will be Boys, and BOYS will be GIRLS!
Like it or Not, "Faeries/Eunuch's", EXIST!!!
Is that you, Sarah Palin?
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-13 06:07:13 UTC
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
2011-08-18 21:52:33 UTC
Post by q4l
Everyone should get ready for some major, positive changes in the
world. The important thing to bear in mind is that the collapse of the
world's corrupt economic system is definitely a good thing. With each
passing day, it grows more obvious that it is time to build a new
world based upon the principles of justice, sustainability, and peace.
agree wholeheartedly!

The total collapse of the global economic system is something that we
can all look forward to. I can hardly wait! It is an inevitable
evolutionary development. It doesn't matter if people believe in
Maitreya or not. Belief or disbelief in Him is totally irrelevant to
what is happening.

The current system is sucking the life force out of the majority of
our (the human) family and is very similar to a cancerous tumor that
must be removed. From a global perspective, if 90 out of every 100 of
the people are struiggling to survive under the current system, while
ten out of every 100 of them are doing fine, then something is very
wrong. Part ot the problem is that the richest 10% control the news
media - and keep the slaves in the dark.

"The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press,
usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to
organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of
them." Albert Einstein

Out with the old and in with the new! Power to the people!

An excerpt from a collection of Q&As that a few people might enjoy -
if they want to know what to expect in the near future:

Q. Will the world stock market crash... initiate a period of extreme
economic hardships...?

A. The stock market crash... will obviously lead to changes. These
have been predicted to take the form of a reorientation of priorities
by governments around the world. Adequate food, housing, health care
and education, as universal rights, will become the aim. This can
hardly be called "hardship". To achieve this for all, of course, will
require a fairer distribution of the world’s resources and therefore
some sacrifice on the part of the presently richer nations.

Q. Maitreya says market forces are 'blind', but current economic
theory simply points to the law of supply and demand, and present
thinking does equate this with freedom.

A. ...It is a question of where you stand initially: this is the basis
of your movement in response to supply and demand. One man will demand
‘x’ from life and his demand will be met quickly, with little
expenditure of energy. Another demands ‘x’ plus other factors, and a
greater amount of energy is required to fulfill his needs. People make
different demands on the law of supply. Some demand more of life,
command greater resources, and if these are met it can only be at the
expense of those who demand, or can demand, but little. This is the
blindness of market forces, which take no account of differences in
status (economic, social or other) of those who make the demands.
Hence the operation of these forces contains inbuilt inequality; they
are intrinsically divisive. This is why Maitreya calls them
‘‘satanic.’’ If everybody started from the same point, there might be
some logic to them. But nobody does. You already have rich and poor
people, and rich and poor nations.

Q. You say that the present economic and financial order is going to
break down - what do we do? Do I take my money out tomorrow?

A. What we do is share the resources of the world. The major gambling
in the world is in currency and in ‘futures’. The value of any
currency bears little relation to the industrial base of the country
to which it belongs. This is true for all the developed nations. If
you have bonds and shares and do the gambling yourself. If that is
what you do, my advice is: "Get out tomorrow!" But if you simply have
your wages on a weekly or monthly or yearly basis in the bank, you are
going to survive in the normal way, but your life will change because
the life of every one will change. We in the developed world cannot
any longer continue to destroy the resources of the world - they are
finite. If we want our children to live half-decent lives we have to
preserve these resources. That means we have to create a sustainable
economy - which is perfectly possible. For years, groups throughout
the world have been advocating such an economy. There are various
measures by which this can be done - mainly a simplification of our
living habits and styles.

Q. What would an appropriate socio-economic system for the coming age
look like?

A. To my mind it would have to reflect the inner connectedness of
people with one another and with the planet. A sustainable sufficiency
would have to replace the present system of over-production,
competition and waste. Therefore, interdependence and co-operation,
social justice, freedom and sharing would be the keynotes of a viable
spiritually-based system. It would also have to take account of, and
provide opportunities for, man’s individual initiative and creative
enterprise but not at the expense of social justice and group good.
Maitreya, through His associate, has said that the unification of
Germany is the symbol of this future social system: not capitalism
versus communism, but social democracy or democratic socialism with
full participation of all peoples in their own government. Housewives,
doctors, artists, teachers, etc, would play their full part in
government of the people, for the people, by the people; something
never achieved before, East or West.

Q. Can you give us some idea of the economic transformation of our
lives which will take place?

A. The redistribution of resources is the problem which is at the
heart of the economic and, indeed, the spiritual crisis overhanging
the world today. This spiritual crisis is focused in the political and
economic theatre. That is why Maitreya comes, in the first place, as a
political and economic teacher. Although his teaching is
non-religious, it is about the spiritual life, about right human
relationships. When we share the world’s resources we take the first
step into solving the ills of the world, and the first step into our

The method, as I understand it, will be a sophisticated form of barter
in which the nations pool their excess resources and redistribute them
fairly and justly according to need. Nothing will be imposed, it is up
to us, and many different ideas will be floated. As a basic minimum,
the aim is adequate, correct food, housing, health-care and education
for all as universal rights.

Q. How do you envisage the immediate aftermath of the Stock Market
Crash in the West ?

A. After the preliminary shock, the nations will meet together to
discuss the means of coping with the future in ordered fashion. Those
who have stood most emphatically behind the rule of market forces will
find themselves outvoted in the dispensation which will pertain, and
those advocating co-operation will gain the ascendancy. This will not
happen overnight. The process will be gradual, but will not be long
delayed. Already there are those in various governments who are
awaiting the time to act.

Q. Will the Stock Market Crash be followed by hyperinflation or

A. Deflation

Q. When the stock market crashes (1) How can we protect ourselves from
the effect of a stock market crash? (2) Will there be a shortage of
food, medicine water, gas electricity, and jobs etc.? (3) will there
be pensions in the future?

A. (1) Everyone will be affected to a greater or lesser degree. The
best protection is not to invest in the stock marked. (2) Not if
properly organized and people do not hoard. Obviously, jobs in some
sectors will suffer, as now. (3) Yes.

Q. How will a financial breakdown of developed markets result in a
more fair distribution of wealth to under- developed countries (2) and

A. (1) Maitreya will emerge as soon as the ‘meltdown’ is global and He
will advocate the principle of sharing as the only answer to our
economic problems. When we see this, we will put into place the plans
for redistribution of resources which already exist, waiting to be
implemented. This ‘meltdown’ of the markets is indeed now becoming
global in extent. (2) It is impossible to give a precise date but
everything points to very soon.

Q. What would an appropriate socio-economic system for the coming age
look like?

A. To my mind it would have to reflect the inner connectedness of
people with one another and with the planet. A sustainable sufficiency
would have to replace the present system of over-production,
competition and waste. Therefore, interdependence and co-operation,
social justice, freedom and sharing would be the keynotes of a viable
spiritually-based system. It would also have to take account of, and
provide opportunities for, man's individual initiative and creative
enterprise but not at the expense of social justice and group good.

This system would not be capitalism or communism, but social democracy
or democratic socialism with full participation of all peoples in
their own government. Housewives, doctors, artists, teachers, etc.,
would play their full part in government of the people, for the
people, by the people - something never achieved before, East or West.

Excerpt is from source:

The poison of market forces
Interview with Benjamin Creme’s Master
by Patricia Pitchon

Interested In The New Economy? Read about the activists, visionaries,
and upstarts who are trying something new: an economy that works
within the carrying capacity of Mother Earth.

David Korten
Let Wall Street go and rebuild a Main Street economy.

Listen to David Korten read an excerpt from chapter 13 in his book
(~11 mins) "Agenda for a New Economy"

Frederick Kaufman's article 'The Food Bubble: How Wall Street starved
millions and got away with it', Harper's Magazine, July 2010.

Talk - David Korten - The Great Turning

Eric Sprott – The Price of Silver Should be $110 to $120 Today
With the Dow down almost 500 and gold surging above $1,825, today King
World News interviewed billionaire Eric Sprott, Chairman of the $10
billion strong Sprott Asset Management to get his take on the action
and what he is doing with his own money. When asked about his
charitable foundation selling gold and buying more physical silver
Sprott stated, “We’ve put a notice in that we are going to sell two
million shares of the Sprott Physical Trust, which would generate
something like $32 million of proceeds, and it’s my intention to move
that into (physical) silver. As you know I have opined very often
that I think silver should trade at a 16/1 ratio to gold. That would
imply a price today of something like $110 or $120, (and today) it’s


This is the best place that i've been able to find to buy small
amounts of silver (less than $1000 worth).

The total collapse of the global economic systemt is sure to be
painful, but it is a very important step that will lead to the
creation of a new global economic system that serves the best
interests of the majority, rather than exploiting so many of them, and
ignoring the fact that 30,000 die each day of hunger, while tons of
food lays rotting in huge warehouses all over the world.

To sum it up, "the Kingdom will come. God's Will, will be done..."
Those who say that prayer, haven't been doing so in vain!
Post by q4l
The old corrupt world economic system is destined to totally
collapse. If not this month, then it is sure to happen within the next
few years. This is necessary & should most certainly be welcomed and
celebrated by all people who despise corruption & long for a better
The world's corrupt economic system is manipulated by men who are as
addicted to making ever increasing sums of money, as are morbidly
obese people (400 lbs and up) who like them, don't know when to push
away from the table. It is a worn out relic of the past, that will
suck large quantities of human blood until it is dead. It stands in
the way of progress & peace. Our economic system can also be likened
to an old man whose major organs have become infested with malignant
tumors. He has been kept artificially "alive" and is now less human
than a vegetable. His (it's) remaining days are clearly limited.
As a growing number of people are noticing, the world economic system
(like the status quo!) serves an elite minority, at the expense of
the global majority. It is an unfair & cruel system that must be
eliminated & replaced with a new system that serves the majority.
The stock markets are manipulated by billionaires who have no sympathy
for the people who are mercilessly exploited, who are forced to live
on the edge. The total collapse is as necessary as was the fall of
Rome & is as unavoidable as have been all the major social advances of
the past century. Racism & Sexism are no longer acceptable. Extreme
greed and political corruption are next in line to be rejected.
The governments all over the world, are examples of the blind leading
the blind. World leaders must grasp the fact that old solutions that
have worked for them in the past, no longer work. Presently, the
money men and politicians on both sides of the aisle are in denial,
looking for ways to prop up the failed system again. Circumstances
are sure to eventually force them to face reality.
It's just a matter of time til that happens.
Eventually, by popular demand, poverty & the unbridled greed that
causes it, will be total eradicated from our world. Everyone's basic
needs for food, shelter, healthcare, & education will gradually become
global human rights. The end of political corruption, plus the
growing awareness that humanity is one, and the industrial &
technological advances of the past 100 years, will make the changes
much easier than most imagine. In the light of a new awareness, we
will solve our major problems & build a New World, where the human
family becomes a peaceful, functional family.
Everyone should get ready for some major, positive changes in the
world. The important thing to bear in mind is that the collapse of the
world's corrupt economic system is definitely a good thing. With each
passing day, it grows more obvious that it is time to build a new
world based upon the principles of justice, sustainability, and peace.
3 quotes from Benjamin Creme
"...We think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so... If two-thirds of the world’s population are
living in poverty then the economic system does not work. If we think
that they will go on without asking that it work for them, then we are
sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya will make that clear..."
Benjamin Creme
"When the people's voice is not heard, there will inevitably be
"People will begin to understand that humanity is travelling together
as one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We
are all travelling together along a path of evolution to something
tremendous which our minds at present find difficult to truly
Benjamin Creme
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil
obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world
have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have
gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience.
. . Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the
face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty.
Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of
petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the
country. That's our problem."
—The late, great, Howard Zinn
"Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be
no peace; without peace there can be no future... Man must change
or die. There is no other course."
Maitreya, the World Teacher
"The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the
greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity
cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world on the day of
that great revolution."
Federico Garcia Lorca
"The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press,
usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to
organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of
them." Albert Einstein
“So a peace will come again on earth, but a peace unlike aught known
before. Then will the will-to-good flower forth as understanding, &
understanding blossom as goodwill in men.” The Tibetan
Let the Truth Set (or keep) You Free -- From the lies of the ruling
elite (the billionaires who treat the people like herds of stupid
Commercial free, daily, informative, radical, progressive. Major daily
broadcasts from Washington, DC: between 5pm & 11pm, Eastern time
Thom Hartmann formerly of Air America, the Alonya show, & the
Kaiser report are three of many great shows that they have. Check it
Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news
program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez.
Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S.,
Democracy Now! is broadcast on Pacifica, NPR, community, and college
radio stations; on public access, PBS, satellite television (DISH
network: Free Speech TV ch. 9415 and Link TV ch. 9410; DIRECTV: Free
Speech TV ch. 348 and Link TV ch. 375); and on the internet. DN!’s
podcast is one of the most popular on the web.
They have a 1 hour show five days a week - Monday thru Friday.
Q. What is the most significant lie that the American people have been
tricked into believing?
A. That the military industrial complex exists to defend us. In truth,
it exists to defend the pork barrels that have been put in place by
extremely wealthy, greedy, men who simply can't get enough billions -
- who don't care how much blood is on their money. They are men who
go have their minions take all the necessary steps to perpetually
create & agravate enemies, so that their pork barrels can be
justified. They will stop at nothing to prevent peace and prolong war.
"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as
something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a
small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the
benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses." (Major General
Smedley Butler, USMC)
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions since World War
II is a history book on covert CIA operations and U.S. military
interventions during the second half of the 20th century, written by
former State Department employee William Blum.
The book covers various US foreign policy ventures from just after
World War II onward. Its basic premise is that the Soviet Union
occupied the Warsaw Pact states only to better defend its
territory[citation needed] and the American Cold War-era activities
abroad were done with imperialist motives...
Noam Chomsky called it "Far and away the best book on the topic."[1]
Former CIA officer John Stockwell called it "The single most useful
summary of CIA history."
We came, we saw, we destroyed, we forgot
An updated summary of the charming record of US foreign policy. Since
the end of the Second World War, the United States of America has ...
1. Attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, most of which
were democratically-elected. 7
2. Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20
countries. 8
3. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30
countries. 9
4. Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries. 10
5. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders. 11
In total: Since 1945, the United States has carried out one or more of
the above actions, on one or more occasions, in the following 69
"Amidst all the sadness and horror surrounding the massacre in Norway,
we should not lose sight of the fact that "peaceful little Norway"
participated in the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999; has deployed troops
in Iraq; has troops in Afghanistan; and has supplied warplanes for
NATO's bombing of Libya. The teenagers of those countries who lost
their lives to the US/NATO killing machine wanted to live to adulthood
and old age as much as the teenagers in Norway. With all the
condemnation of "extremism" we now hear in Norway and around the world
we must ask if this behavior of the Norwegian government, as well as
that of the United States and NATO, is not "extremist"."
Colman McCarthy: Among individuals, peace is the result of love. If
love were easy, we’d all be good at it. Collectively, peace is the
result of justice. And again, if justice were easy all nations would
be good at it.
Politicians who argue that peace comes through strength are referring
to military strength – the strength of violence, from the violence of
the nuclear bomb to the roadside bomb. If military strength were
effective, the planet would have had peace eons ago. Yet against all
historical evidence, we are repeatedly told, war after war, century
after century, that this time violence will work.
"I have not come to create followers, each of you should continue to
develop within your own religious tradition. Even when you see Me, do
notrun after Me. If you run after me, you will lose Me. If you
parade Me, you do not know who I am. I cannot be monopolized, I belong
to everyone."
"Infinity means, 'without end.' The infinity of God's consciousness
goes not only outward, but inward to the very heart of the atom.
He is as conscious of every human thought, of every feeling, as
He is of the movements of vast galaxies in space."
From The Essence of Self-Realization by Paramhansa Yogananda
"They that deny a God destroy man's nobility;
for certainly man is kin to the beasts by his body;
and if he be not kin to God by his spirit,
he is a base and ignoble creature."
Francis Bacon
"There is nothing in your world, either alive or dead, that is worth
being agitated about, except the alleviation of suffering." From: "The
Boy & the Brothers"
The Agni Yoga teachings were given via mental telepathy through Helena
Roerich (a disciple of the Master Morya), with the exception of the
first book "The Call" (aka: Leaves of Morya's Garden, I) which was
given by Maitreya.
"Many await My Coming with trepidation, fearing the loss of all that
they have amassed & gained. Fear not, My friends, for the loss will be
the loss of separation only, of division & fear, of envy & hate. To
clear these from the world, all must be remade. Know this, My
friends, & be ready to share, to see your brother as yourself, to
clasp him in your arms & call him friend. In this way, My brothers,
you manifest God's Plan." Maitreya, the World Teacher
Agni Yoga, 336. No name will provoke so many attacks as that of
Maitreya, for it is bound up with the future. Nothing provokes so much
fear and irritation in people as thinking about the future.
It seems that Maitreya, Jesus + some other Masters of Wisdom look for
group activities that they can empower by pouring on Their blessings.
This video "playing for change - music for peace" with the Bob Marley
song "one Love" maybe one of those that recieved Their blessings .
Check it out!
The future will see right relationships, true communion, a sharing of
all things (wine, the blood, the life and bread, economic
satisfaction) and goodwill; we have also a picture of the future of
humanity when all nations are united in complete understanding and
the diversity of languages - symbolic of differing traditions,
cultures, civilizations and points of view - will provide no barrier
to right human relations. At the center of each of these pictures is
to be found the Christ. Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the
United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition and a new
church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups,
will untidily bring to an end the great heresy of separateness. Love,
unity, and the Risen Christ will be present, and He will demonstrate
to us the perfect life." The Tibetan
The great moment for which He has so patiently waited has almost
arrived; the "end of the age" to which He referred when speaking to
His small group of disciples: "Lo! I am with you all the days even
unto the end of the age" has come. Today He stands and waits, knowing
that the hour has come when He will "see of the travail of His soul
and be satisfied." (Is:LIII:11.) Alice Bailey
"The cause of all sorrow and woes is desire -- desire for
that which is material. ... 'No man liveth unto himself",
and no nation either, and ...the goal of all human effort
is loving understanding, prompted by a love for the whole."
Djwhal Khul
"...The religious path, as seen by the Masters, is only one of many
paths to the demonstration of our innate divinity. God does not
reside in the religion, although the religion might help you to
realize that divinity. Every aspect of life --politics, economics,
religion, art, culture, science, education --can be lived in such a
way that what we call God can be known and expressed.
The divine becomes a moment-to-moment experience.
That is in fact what it is. It is not a man with a
beard sitting up in the sky watching that you are
not stealing, lying, or cheating. It is inside you;
it is your sense of the divine inside that gradually
changes you from lying, cheating, and stealing to not
doing these things. Not because somebody is telling you
that it is bad, but because you instinctively know that
that is not the right way to live with your fellow
human beings.
Whatever injures or harms another person is intuitively,
instinctively, wrong. A change in behavior comes
about by self-observation and self-determination.
These things fall away as you become more aware of, and
imbued with, the quality of the soul. That will happen
on a wider and wider scale as humanity ceases to compete
and learns to cooperate --in the family, in the community,
nationally and internationally..." Benjamin Creme
"He shall proclaim the norm, lovely in its beginning,
lovely in its middle, and lovely in the end thereof." Gautama Buddha
2011-08-18 22:06:17 UTC
Post by YuleSee
Post by q4l
Everyone should get ready for some major, positive changes in the
world. The important thing to bear in mind is that the collapse of the
world's corrupt economic system is definitely a good thing. With each
passing day, it grows more obvious that it is time to build a new
world based upon the principles of justice, sustainability, and peace.
agree wholeheartedly!
The total collapse of the global economic system is something that we
can all look forward to. I can hardly wait!
Stay away from that sinister Maitreya cult. They're like thieves in the night,
except they also attempt to rob people in broad daylight.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-19 05:42:52 UTC
Post by Collier
Post by YuleSee
Post by q4l
Everyone should get ready for some major, positive changes in the
world. The important thing to bear in mind is that the collapse of the
world's corrupt economic system is definitely a good thing. With each
passing day, it grows more obvious that it is time to build a new
world based upon the principles of justice, sustainability, and peace.
agree wholeheartedly!
The total collapse of the global economic system is something that we
can all look forward to. I can hardly wait!
Stay away from that sinister Maitreya cult. They're like thieves in the night,
That is a "Burglar", which if you Check is an Episcopalian!
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-08-19 05:41:59 UTC
Post by YuleSee
Post by q4l
Everyone should get ready for some major, positive changes in the
world. The important thing to bear in mind is that the collapse of the
world's corrupt economic system is definitely a good thing. With each
passing day, it grows more obvious that it is time to build a new
world based upon the principles of justice, sustainability, and peace.
agree wholeheartedly!
So Kill the Beast, stop the Tain, how dare this OXIE MORON Exist, or talk of Pulling some Cart!
Cept da WHEEL is BROKEN!
Fix It Oxie can pull the Cart.
Until then, it is all a Big Fight!!